getting back into the groove

looking out the window

I don’t like to blog about blogging, and I like blogging about not blogging even less.  However, I just need to work through why I’ve not been blogging recently so that maybe I can start back again.

Here are some of the issues I’m trying to work around:

This blog is no longer just between me and the “great unknown”Before, my family and friends back in America did read my blog, but family and friends here in Taiwan that I work and live among did not.  I now have to be more careful about blogging about things I don’t necessarily want people I interact with on a daily basis to know–ya know, like the intimate struggles of our lives. ;)  There is something about anonymity that allows us to disclose private things–and there are advantages and disadvantages to that.

This blog is no longer just about me and my lifeEven if it was still Following an Unknown Path and “my blog” . . . the things I deal with no are no longer affect only me.  I have to consider what my husband feels comfortable with in letting the world know about our lives.

Our readership is very diverse
It is very hard to categorize the people (I think) read our blog.  And, like I teach my students, we write to be read, so as writers we must always think about our readers.   When our (presumed) readership is SO diverse it is hard for me to focus on what I should write about.

Unsure focus of our blog now
Actually, I was kinda hoping switching to wuhoo! would help with this.  I had a very clear focus in mind for Following an Unknown Path–it was a blog about a single woman living in Taiwan struggling with her singleness and documenting what life was like in a strange land while depending on God and his kindness.  Now?  . . . well, I’m not sure.  Part of the problem is it really could be so many things.

This land is no longer strange
That’s a good thing for me.  But, it makes it hard for me to think about what might be interesting to people wanting to learn about life here in Taiwan.

There are SO many other blogs out there
What can I possibly have to add to the wealth of info and mass of words that is already out there on the web?

Facebook kinda fills the need for why I originally started blogging
Facebook allows me to quickly and efficiently keep friends and family updated about what’s happening here.

Any words of wisdom?  Any thoughts, suggestions, or encouragement you’d like to share?

(Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.)

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