bloggy smarts

Leslie at Lux Venit mentioned in her bloggy story two weeks ago that she wished she "had known more about blogging etiquette" before beginning to blog.  Several of us asked in the comments for clarification.  Someone even asked for a class on the topic. :)

Well, Leslie didn't disappoint at all.  Last week she posted a mini-series on Blogging Etiquette.  It is well worth your time to read these three thought-provoking posts.

Blogging Etiquette (I): thoughts on what to do on your own blog

Blogging Etiquette (II):
thoughts on how to behave on other's blogs

Blogging Etiquette (III): all about bloggy community with thoughts on blog rolls and the "weirdness" that makes blogging the joy it is


  1. These articles were very helpful. I don't think I broke too many of the rules :)

  2. Thanks for those handy links!! I would never have seen them if you hadn't linked. :)


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