bloggy contests galore

Well, this is the week for bloggy contests!!

Back in mid-March, I entered one of Camy's book give-aways.  And, I was one of three to win a hard back copy of Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs. 

Camy sent the book--internationally--back in early April.  And . . . I just got it this week!!

How cool is that?  Just in time for some summer reading!

Thanks, Camy!!

She is currently giving away two books that you can enter to win!  Go to her site and check it out!


Also, my students held a bloggy contest here on my blog.  They were giving away postcards from Taiwan to people who helped us spread the word about taking a survey about dinner in America.  They were hoping for at least 50 people to take the survey, but with yall's help . . . . they had over 150 people take it.  They were so ecstatic!

The winners of their postcard give away are . . .

Ashley, and

If you'd ladies would please make sure I get your mailing address--email me--then I will pass it on to my students who will get you your postcard ASAP. :)

Thanks again to all who helped us out!  We really appreciate it!


  1. You're welcome! I can't believe how long international mail takes!

  2. Thanks so much for the postcard! I can't wait to get it. I hope it doesn't take as long as your book did!!


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